Friday, April 20, 2012

If I hadn't met him...

If I hadn't met him the way I met him, I'd probably have met him like this.

She walked into that small cafe at the corner near her apartment, glad to find her favorite table empty. She smiled at the owner and asked the waitress for the usual as she sat down by the table overlooking the street. Sitting there, she could be oblivious to the world as she devoured her latest find at the book store or she could sit there, looking at every movement on the street, lost in her own thoughts.
She opened her bag, took out the book she was reading as the waitress got her order. Smell of coffee, and the smell of a brand new book, and she was lost.
She'd almost lost awareness of her surroundings until a guy gently tapped the table and asked her if he could join her.
Barely looking from her book, she gave a small nod and he sat down. "Thanks" he said. She looked at him from over her book, gave a slight nod and went back reading.
"So, whats the best thing about this place?" He asked.
"The waitress would know." She said
"I'd like to know what you think is good." He said.
"Coffee" She said, almost going back to her book, but suddenly looked back into his eyes and said, "and strangers who don't butt into other peoples businesses"
"Okay, then, I'm __ and I talk to computers for a living." He chimed.
She looked at him quizzical when he said, "Not a stranger anymore, right?"
She smiled one of her rare smiles, the ice melting away and the book ignored on the table as the two got talking.

She still thinks it a coincidence that the cafe was so full that they had to share a table, and he still thinks its funny that she never noticed how empty the cafe was when they first met.