Saturday, November 7, 2015


The state of being in which everything is perfect. No errors. No miscommunication. No misunderstandings. A parallel universe where you and I are together, for life, for eternity, for forever.
Where we fall asleep, curled up in each other’s arms, safe and sound. Where I wake up every morning and realise that in you, I've found a piece of myself I never knew was missing. Where mortality isn't a burden, but a reminder to enjoy the short lived bliss that is you.
You with your perfect smile, your caring words, your concerned looks, your affirmative touches and those relaxing back rubs. You with your stolen looks and stolen kisses and conniving schemes to annoy me, just to see my face contoured in anger, hands on my hips waving an angry finger, and just when I think I've had it with you, you break into one of those goofy smiles of yours, and my fury all but melts away, the last bits taken care of, with one scoop of chocolate ice cream for compromise. 
My utopia then, is those warm mornings when we fight with the day, we steal a few moments of togetherness before the reality of mundane life takes us away. It’s that kiss on my forehead before we walk out for work. It’s your hand on the small of my back when we’re walking back home, with crumpled formals and tired eyes but with each other to hold. It’s your face when I bring out your favourite pastry after dinner, just a tiny surprise to see you grinning like a little kid!
My Utopia is getting up for work on a weekend, seeing you curled up in bed, and having the reassurance that when I come back, you’ll be there, lazing in your pyjamas, waiting to devour me, loving every inch of the tired, exhausted, and dishevelled mess that is me. My fatigue melts away at your slightest touch, and we spend the warm afternoon, exploring each other, body and mind, caressing the right places and losing ourselves and finding each other in this intricate, carnal embrace.
My Utopia is me in the kitchen, making something you like, smells of orange and cardamom and sugars wafting into the house, and you slowly quailing in, wrapping your arms around me, nibbling at my ear, kissing that tiny place between my shoulder and my neck and me letting out muffled moans that make you snicker, because after all, aren't you the one person that knows all my weak spots and just how to use them. Use them against me and for your advantage, but well, how does it matter? Aren't I just a slave to all your whims and fancies? Am I not all yours, to do what you please and isn't the fact that my gratification is your greatest thrill, a fantastic consolation?!
My Utopia is bringing you steaming cups of coffee, made just the way you like, with the right amount of milk and sugar and a touch of cinnamon, a concoction only I get right, you tell me. I know that isn't true, I never make it as well as you’d like, but I'm thankful you don’t complain. It’s watching your face contoured in frustration as you stay up all night, typing away on your laptop solving an emergency at work, as I fall asleep on the bed, waiting for you crash next to me. It’s me waking up in the middle of the night to see you still hard at work, and noiselessly bringing you another cup, giving your shoulders a gentle massage while you say your guilt ridden apologies and I give you a peck on the cheek, an unspoken message that it’s okay.
My Utopia is the way you look at me as I get ready for our date night, a pale periwinkle dress, the earrings you brought for me when we had our biggest fight and I was haunted by the threat of losing you forever and yet, you turned up with a gift for me, apologising for a fight which was all my fault. I see the way your expressions change as I paint my lips red, your eyes telling me tales of how you’re falling in love with me all over again!
My Utopia is all this unsaid and unspoken that passes between us- one look, one touch, one tiny blink of an eye is all it takes.

Do we say ‘I love you’ that often? I don’t know. But I'm sure we do show it enough, and then some more.
This is my Utopia. It’s not just this life that I hope we lead at some point in time in the future, doing what we do and leaving trail of star light in our wake, but it’s more than that. It’s this present state of wait and hope and anticipation.
The hope that someday, this will be our Utopia. Till then, I’ll keep hoping, living in this perfect state of being affirmatively hopeful of the future.

Waiting for Utopia is my Utopia. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The purpose of Faith

I can see why the idea of God is so comforting to so many people. I've been an atheist for as long as I can remember. I lost my faith when even after years of talking to idols, the abuse did not stop, school never got tolerable and the loneliness never stopped eating me up. I begged, I pleaded and cried, nothing worked. 
An inefficient God is no God, I thought. 
And then when I saw other happy people, the dreaded question, "Why me?" hit. 
Sent me into the depths of depression. Because there must be something wrong with me, I'm not good enough, I deserve this; was the only rationalisation I would come up with. 

And when I heard people saying God does it because He has a plan, I realised how comforting these words were. Something is wrong, you can't find a rational explanation, and not knowing why kills you. Then you think because there is someone up there with a plan for you. 'A Plan' is a rational course of decided actions and the existence of this rationality, though unfathomable by you *now*, is comforting as fuck. 
That there is someone out there, with something planned for you, thinking of you, even if you don't know why, is weirdly comforting simply because of the promise the unfathomed rationality that it offers. 
Do I now believe in God? No. 
Would I like to? I don't know. 
All I need are rational explanations to kill the uncertainty of the future. 
Because when you have those, God loses his purpose, and a useless God is no God.  

Saturday, August 1, 2015

For anyone with Suicidal Thoughts

This is a photo of a terrorist's funeral. This guy was hanged till death for his role in the 1993 Mumbai blasts. This is the guy that killed thousands of people because some imaginary guy in the sky told him to. I don't give two hoots about what all the bleeding heart pacifists say that he was being punished for being a Muslim, he was found guilty by the highest court in India and I trust the judiciary.
Anyway, I digress.
This is a mob of people mourning a guy who killed a probably larger mob of people. My dad was out 15 minutes before the blast, getting some documents typed, and 15 minutes later, he was at his desk watching his office windows shatter. This was the guy that did it, and look at all the people sad about him being hanged till death.
So if you're having suicidal thoughts and you're convinced that no one is going to miss you, look at the photo for context. These are people mourning a MASS MURDERER. No matter how much you think you've fucked up in life, I'm pretty sure it's not as inhumane and as cruel and as sadistic and as fanatical as this guy, but there are still people crying for him.
If you think no one cares, look at this. There are people wailing about this dumbfuck. You're phenomenally better than this guy and you ceasing to exist will affect way more people than you think, and way deeper than you can imagine.

Au contraire, We have a Ms Ghosh calling APJ a Bomb Daddy. The entire nation is pretty upset with someone as inspirational and motivational as Mr Kalam passing away but there are still other dumbfucks voicing shitty opinions about him.
You could be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world and there could still be someone who hates peaches.
So if there's someone hating on you, mostly; it isn't you, there's something wrong with them.
Point being, even if you're a terrorist, there's going to be people who'll obviously go berserk if you die. And you could be someone like Mr Kalam and people would still hate you.
Don't kill yourself over it.
Unless you're a terrorist, in which case, please do. 

Monday, February 16, 2015


And people like you and me, no sir, we don't deserve 'happy'. If there is a God, he is a sadist bastard, and we probably are his favourite children to smite. We are destined to be happy just long enough to know the sting as it all gets stolen away from us, at our own hands or somebody else's, in one tiny flash. Just long enough that it stings and the pain lingers.
And so, we smoke a little too much, drink a little too much, work a little too hard, cause in those tiny moments of self destructive ecstasy, we think we've cheated destiny.

Monday, February 9, 2015


A permanent mark on the body. A constant reminder. A piece of art. A gift to myself. A worthy investment of the money I’ve worked so hard to earn.
I did not get a tattoo because it’s the cool, hip thing to do. I didn’t do it because of peer pressure or because I had too much money to spend. I took a lot of time thinking of the design, what I wanted it to represent and I spent an even longer amount finding the right artist and saving up enough money to be able to afford them.
This tattoo is going be a constant reminder of a lot of things. The Quill, that’s my writing. I’ve been a loner through school, finding solace in books and books alone. College came and brought along Blogs. Blogging gave me Shriya. Blogging gave me Avantika. Blogging gave me the Boxed Misfits. I finally felt like I belonged.

I’ve always written it down. Hurt, happiness, anger, love, envy, passion, frustration, depression have always landed in a cursive mess on the pages of my diaries, and eventually, on my blogs. I draw my strength from writing. Write it, empty the mind, and the fill it up again with the hopes of tomorrow, with the whispered affections and virtual hugs of all these supportive bunch of people I’ve met in life. My first love happened over blogs. Our idea of courtship was writing a blog together. I fell head over heels in love because words flowed between us like a river that has been running it’s course before the dawn of time. And when it eventually ended, it was simply because words didn’t flow like before. We couldn’t communicate.
The feather? Krishna with a peacock feather on his head? That was Radha’s gift to him, a symbol of all the colourful phases that a woman goes through in her life. The hues change, and change means growth. The feather is there to remind me that there are so many more colours to myself that are simply waiting to be discovered. It’s a long, graceful process of discovery as you slowly understand what you are truly capable of.
This tattoo is the end of something and the start of something new. It ends my head strong notion of holding on him, because he isn’t mine to hold on to anymore. That and he didn’t approve of tattoos. I’m inked now. I’d rather take a man who loves me, not for my tattoos or the lack of them, but loves me in spite of them. This tattoo is me telling the world that this is my body. Fat, slim, bloated, scarred, hairy, ugly, tanned, but mine. And I will get it inked, because it’s nobody’s business but mine. This tattoo is me shrugging of all your negativity. This is me pulling a black curtain over your faces because I don’t find your constant judgemental criticism worth my time or attention.

And above all, this tattoo is a reminder that when life gives me too many scars, I’ll fucking turn it into one giant piece of art.