Saturday, July 30, 2011

Signs of Love

I've recently started reading "Celebrating Silence" by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and what he has to say about love is, umm, well, exotic.

He says,

"Here are the signs of love: When you love someone you see nothing wrong with them. Even if you see a fault in them you just justify it in some way - "Everyone does that; it is normal." You think you have not done enough for them and the more you do, the more you want to do for them. They are always on your mind. Ordinary things become extra-ordinary. A baby winking at its grandmother becomes an extra-ordinary event. When you love someone, you want to see them always happy and you want them to have the best"

While I was reading it, I was thinking of someone, were you?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Hypocrisy Called Religion

This is a standard scene in most early morning trains, ladies pushing each other, cursing someone's big bag, someone else's umbrella and in general being rough and using their elbow as a weapon so they get the best seat in the train.
And soon after that, out comes this really tiny Sanskrit/ Marathi book with god praising stuff written over it. The Church, for convenience, gives its Bible in a little black pouch, with a nice little zip, and the entire thing probably is waterproof. Or there are ladies fondling beads and chanting something.
Its funny how these brain washing cults who are so hell bent on having 'traditions' followed and getting people to behave like its the stone age rely so heavily on modern technology and creativity to keep hammering their message.
Somehow a lady who manages to remember God, considering the busy schedule she has, paints a picture of a really nice woman, the helpful aunty types, you know. But take an early morning train and you'll know that its the most stupid misconception that's been stuffed down our throats.
These women, who make it look like they are remembering their Lord Almighty, look at every new face that boards the train, manage to notice every piece of accessory that's being used and when someone, very politely requests them to shift a little so they can sit, they go into bitch-mode-over-drive.
You'd expect their god almighty to teach them a few lessons in being polite, won't you? And why even pretend you are reading that stuff, when clearly, you lack the interest?

At least I'm a shameless atheist who hates em all with equal passion ;)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Confident Splash of Red...!

The world suddenly has woken up to the impact that bright, plump, full red lips make. Its like the classic color riding another fame wave...
Red is that dynamic color that makes you look sexy, confident, pretty, self-assured, diabolic or even evil, depending on how you'd like it to make you look..!
Red, frankly is not a girl's color. It belongs to a lady who is a class apart. Red lips make you look in control, powerful, and most of all, brave. Not everyone can carry off a nude face with a big 'boing' of the bright, blood colored splash.
Red is the color of a woman in control. Someone who knows what she is doing. Who takes her own decisions and makes her own choices.

However, it did not take re-awakening fashionistas to tell me what a dynamite the color red is.
I've known the impact this color makes, from a very young age, thanks to a woman who'd 'earned' her red lips.
She was my school's Principal. A middle-aged lady with snow white skin is the last thing I remember about her. She was that someone who at that time had a bob cut, and fantastic red lips. That lady commanded respect! She looked like the epitome of femme fatale as she walked the corridors of the school on her daily rounds, with an eye for detail that missed nothing.

Her words were limited, chosen and honest. She never talked in vain. So the day she called me to her cabin and told me that I was the only girl who could portray Rani Laxmi Bai for the annual play is unforgettable.
Dedicated to her work, the school was like her baby, and she nurtured it like a dedicated mother would. She resigned while I was still in school, which kind of gave me the opportunity to appreciate her work because the school totally went down south after she left.
Frankly, the only interactions that I had with her, face to face, we the ones where she'd ask me to practice speeches in front of her before I went off for an inter-school competition or when she got us practicing for the annual day celebrations, but the fact that a lipstick shade reminded me of her stands proof that the Lady knew precisely *how* to make an impact!