Friday, May 4, 2012

A Dog's Tail

So, * pregnant pause* I screamed at my boss.
No really, I did! On the top of my voice, with the whole one-hand-on-my-hip and the other one pointing a finger at her, making her feel guilty for all that she did.
So, here's how it goes...
After all of us articles decided to 'boycott' the office over a day for some petty issues, the bosses got their knickers all tied up and they called us for a meeting next day, where I shamelessly hinted at a "greater" cause.
After that I and 4 other co-articles walked into her cabin for 'discussing' stuff and when her bullshit reached the limit, my Agni-V launched itself on to her. I yelled at her, insulted her, pointed out each of mistakes and let her know that her lack of planning, unwillingness to take the lead and encouraging us to do the work was causing delays. Her taunts and and her manner less bitching about me to the other colleagues and her unprofessional ways of spreading lies about me were the reason I didn't want to work there anymore.

'If you don't like my goddamn work say it to my bloody face upfront' I screamed at her. 'Gimme a transfer if you think the quality of my work is shit' I yelled.
She sat there, slowing sinking into her chair, getting all teary eyed, saying, "I never did that" and justifying each of her petty little decisions.
And this lady is a CA.
A CA who got yelled by her articles, who thought I was necessary to justify her actions to them. A CA who doesn't even realize 'Who's the boss'.

 I have had my doubts that "CA" is 'the thing to do' is just a product of false publicity and some day these silly expectations will be shattered, and people will realize that not *every* CA is up to the mark and the institute produces more failures than successes. This whole incident stands testimony to my predictions.

P.S. Even after this drama, she called my colleagues (i.e., her juniors) to tell them that she thinks whatever I said was correct and she did make mistakes and she'd try and improve.

 Say it to my bloody face upfront, you bitch.