Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Surviving with Style!

Survive with style, Progress with a panache! 
A result of depressed Googling post the shocking failure at May 2014 CA Final Attempt. 
Oh, I still don't know why I failed, and the bigger puzzle is how some other people passed, but that's a hate-post for another day. 
Any do, here goes

1. Your job does not actually define you, unless you want it to
Enjoying 8 hours of what I HAVE to do cannot, in the short run define an ideal life. Being legally bound to be working under a jackass does not make me a jackass. I'm becoming more Zen-like after this realization, to be honest. "From Jackassery to Zen Mastery: 101 ways to be a better human being!" Publishing houses, here I come! *Weeee*

2. It's not your time yet
"Mera number kab aayega?"
 "Aayega bete, aayega!"
 (If this does not ring a bell then I am sorry)

3. Be grateful for what you have
The colleague who said I don't even like your face has to serve ONE ENTIRE YEAR of extension. At least I have the assurance that this shall be over sooner. Oh, and also, Karma is a b-y-o-t-c-h. *Cue snickers and giggles* 

4. It isn't always about you
Just me acting like a demure, mature 20-something. 

5. Commit to a process/ system, not a goal
If my goal was to pass the CA-Final May 2014 attempt, I've failed and I'm allowed to cry. But the process was to improve my knowledge from what I knew as a IPCC passout. And that has been completed. I know much more now than what I did when I cleared IPCC. The subject that was my nemesis at IPCC level has been conquered so well I teach the same to other IPCC kids and they love it. 
"When you focus on the practice instead of the performance, you enjoy the present movement and improve at the same time" ~Borrowed Zen-liness.

6. Goals will be at odds with long term progress
If the goal is to lose weight, I'll stop working out as soon as I hit my target weight. My reasons for gymming, in the long run are to remain fit and active. The short term goal of weight reduction really doesn't do much to help. Must-give-up-need-for-immediate-results.

7. Goals suggest that you can control things you have no control over
You cannot predict the future. Building a system that signals a need for adjustments makes much more sense. CA paper checking shoddy? Hard work and knowledge deserve better recognition and pay? Working towards a more transparent degree sounds like a good course to take. 

8. Goals help in planning progress, systems are good for actually making progress
Goals are milestones, the destination is  progress. If you're 0.001% better version of yourself from what you were yesterday, you're doing good. 

If you're at the gym, doing some dumb bell crunches, you're on your last rep, and you feel a slight muscle pull, would you man up and finish or would you stop?
If this write up has affected you, you'd simply realize that you'll be doing this process for a very long time, and if the long term plan is fitness, an injured muscle does not fit the bill, even if it suits your short term goal of calorie burning. 

Bonus tip: Hold on to a couple of good mates, they'll add the necessary good humor that would spice the process up for you. And when that's done, see rule #3!


Title Credits: Just Someone! We good now, Bro? 

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