Thursday, August 4, 2011


The main characters in this little plot are two people,
Me, the arrogant ass atheist and Dolt, a very spiritual, believer of a person. I'm using 'Dolt' because I've had this conversation, on many different occasions with a multitude of people, and I don't want to name anyone specific. Starting from School, and even now, in the last year of College, this little question sure knows how to make a come back.

*Someone announces something complicated*
Me: Hey Raam!
Dolt: How can you say that? (Like I've just said Voldemort out loud)
Me: *shrugs* what?
Dolt: That. Hey Raam..
Me: Act clueless, hope they don't want to get offended.
Dolt: You are an atheist, no? How can you say Hey Raam?!
Me: Beats saying 'what the fuck' anyday.
Dolt: Facepalm

As much I want to tell them that it's just a habit, something that comes out involuntarily every time I need to exclaim; over the time, I've realized that this answer shuts them up the best.
Its an involuntary habit, not worthy enough to waste my time changing it.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Signs of Love

I've recently started reading "Celebrating Silence" by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and what he has to say about love is, umm, well, exotic.

He says,

"Here are the signs of love: When you love someone you see nothing wrong with them. Even if you see a fault in them you just justify it in some way - "Everyone does that; it is normal." You think you have not done enough for them and the more you do, the more you want to do for them. They are always on your mind. Ordinary things become extra-ordinary. A baby winking at its grandmother becomes an extra-ordinary event. When you love someone, you want to see them always happy and you want them to have the best"

While I was reading it, I was thinking of someone, were you?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Hypocrisy Called Religion

This is a standard scene in most early morning trains, ladies pushing each other, cursing someone's big bag, someone else's umbrella and in general being rough and using their elbow as a weapon so they get the best seat in the train.
And soon after that, out comes this really tiny Sanskrit/ Marathi book with god praising stuff written over it. The Church, for convenience, gives its Bible in a little black pouch, with a nice little zip, and the entire thing probably is waterproof. Or there are ladies fondling beads and chanting something.
Its funny how these brain washing cults who are so hell bent on having 'traditions' followed and getting people to behave like its the stone age rely so heavily on modern technology and creativity to keep hammering their message.
Somehow a lady who manages to remember God, considering the busy schedule she has, paints a picture of a really nice woman, the helpful aunty types, you know. But take an early morning train and you'll know that its the most stupid misconception that's been stuffed down our throats.
These women, who make it look like they are remembering their Lord Almighty, look at every new face that boards the train, manage to notice every piece of accessory that's being used and when someone, very politely requests them to shift a little so they can sit, they go into bitch-mode-over-drive.
You'd expect their god almighty to teach them a few lessons in being polite, won't you? And why even pretend you are reading that stuff, when clearly, you lack the interest?

At least I'm a shameless atheist who hates em all with equal passion ;)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Confident Splash of Red...!

The world suddenly has woken up to the impact that bright, plump, full red lips make. Its like the classic color riding another fame wave...
Red is that dynamic color that makes you look sexy, confident, pretty, self-assured, diabolic or even evil, depending on how you'd like it to make you look..!
Red, frankly is not a girl's color. It belongs to a lady who is a class apart. Red lips make you look in control, powerful, and most of all, brave. Not everyone can carry off a nude face with a big 'boing' of the bright, blood colored splash.
Red is the color of a woman in control. Someone who knows what she is doing. Who takes her own decisions and makes her own choices.

However, it did not take re-awakening fashionistas to tell me what a dynamite the color red is.
I've known the impact this color makes, from a very young age, thanks to a woman who'd 'earned' her red lips.
She was my school's Principal. A middle-aged lady with snow white skin is the last thing I remember about her. She was that someone who at that time had a bob cut, and fantastic red lips. That lady commanded respect! She looked like the epitome of femme fatale as she walked the corridors of the school on her daily rounds, with an eye for detail that missed nothing.

Her words were limited, chosen and honest. She never talked in vain. So the day she called me to her cabin and told me that I was the only girl who could portray Rani Laxmi Bai for the annual play is unforgettable.
Dedicated to her work, the school was like her baby, and she nurtured it like a dedicated mother would. She resigned while I was still in school, which kind of gave me the opportunity to appreciate her work because the school totally went down south after she left.
Frankly, the only interactions that I had with her, face to face, we the ones where she'd ask me to practice speeches in front of her before I went off for an inter-school competition or when she got us practicing for the annual day celebrations, but the fact that a lipstick shade reminded me of her stands proof that the Lady knew precisely *how* to make an impact!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hoping Beyond Hope...

We sit down, hands held, looking out of the window, smiling, talking. We watch trains rush by and realize our pace is slower than the world. We talk, like, *talk* talk.
I tell you stuff that happened in college, and you are genuinely interested. You laugh at my jokes, and tell me things. Or we sit and watch TV. We smile at each other.
I tell you I'm tired and you smile and say that you understand. You say I've been doing good. You tell me you are proud of me. After such a long time, you appreciate me.
I'm feeling happy about this, when suddenly you clasp my hand very tight. You are in pain. Then the realization hits me. How could I have possibly forgotten? The sights, sounds and the smells...
Its the hospital we are in, and its just that you need me right now.
I call the nurse and she gives you some pain killers, and while they take the time to work, you hold my hand tighter, withering in pain.
I know it really hurts. Cold sweat, tears, nausea all gush out, and its hard to keep a poker face and tell you it will all be okay, but I try.

And slowly, the pain does go away. The pain killers are really strong.
You gently fall asleep, my hand free from your clasp, and I wonder if you would go back to being yourself when we get home.
And I hope against hope I'm wrong.
And I'm praying you'll talk to me when we are home.

Because your silence can hurt real bad too, and unfortunately, Mum- there is no pain killer for that.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pearls Of Wisdom....

There is this person I've known all my life, and that person, lets call them, SoBu (short for Social Butterfly) has these really interesting and perspective changing opinions about life. I sometimes feel like I have lot to learn from Sobu, yet I have so little time to do that...!
Lest I forget, I'm going to jot them down here..
Respected Sobu, may your wisdom take over from here:

"Evolution has turned us into vegetarians. Our teeth have gone smaller in size cause we only eat vegetables. Our nails can't be used for hunting because we use our hands only to grow veggies and eat them."
And here I was, the loser thinking we have smaller teeth because we cook meat and smaller nails because we hunt with weapons. Silly me!

"His weight is increasing because I've to cook food with lots of masala for you"
Lets just forget that alcohol, deep fried snacks do that too. We will die cause you like your food tasty. Cruel me!

"Gays and Lesbians are unnatural.. No animals have sex with the same sex."
Right. No animals abort. Shouldn't we stop doing that too? Animals using condoms? Never heard of it. We should stop too. Never heard of animals praying to God, either. Ignorant me.

"We don't hate you because you *don't* do drugs, alcohol or ciggys, but because you don't keep your shoes in place or because your bag is always lying open."
Fuck! I just disgraced the family be doing that, didn't I? Shit! Shit! Shit!

"You couldn't learn the spelling of adamant in school."
Lets forget that I'm about to graduate, and I have auto correct doing it for me, I'll be reminded of past failures so I'm never to happy with myself. Way to keep my ego in check. I'm indebted, Sobu. *Grateful smile*

"Its the monsoon and your Scooty is new. You should drive slowly, new tyres just don't have that grip, you know"
Aww...! In the simplest of ways, Sobu cares!

"You behavior is what it is because of your bad blood."
Why! I never know you were secretly into blood erm.. err... research about blood, I mean. And who knew, blood had behavior influencing properties!
As if diets based on blood types weren't enough, Sobu made an earth shattering discovery in the realms of human psychology. Give Sobu the Nobel prize already!!

Sobu however, doesn't talk to me anymore. Maybe I should pay for them pearls?
*Sob Sob*
And I'm sure Sobu won't be happy to see that I'm spreading these pearls of wisdom. Especially cause they could have earned a lot of money. Sobu hates thankless jobs, you know. But it doesn't matter. It is really important that the world be made aware of its ignorance.

Here is a song dedicated to Sobu. This should make you happy.
Love you Sobu,

Yours Truly,

Friday, June 3, 2011

A mad tea party of conversations...

Since I'm jobless and college-less at the mo, I'm watching every movie that WB, StarMovies and the Cable wala throw out and one such movie was Alice in Wonderland. I've seen it 4 times already.
But I'll tell you this, I adore Johnny Depp's talents. The movie, I'm not sure if I like it, but Johnny Depp, totally.

Then I've coerced the *best* friend into selling me his iPod Touch, now that he has an iPad 2. The said iPod, narcissistically called Ashish's iPod (my little nano had names like iSneeze, iPukes or Casper) coincidently or not, has the original Alice in Wonderland on Stanza.
And I'm 19 and I've never read Alice in Wonderland as a kiddo. You can blame it on my school's poorly stocked library or the fact that the only children's author we knew was Enid Blyton.
Though I'm addicted to reading, thanks to Amma, who'd never think twice about spending money on all Nehru Book Trust books, Harry Potters, and a little later, on Sheldons, Archers and Dan Browns.
Anydo, here is 19 year old reading Alice in Wonderland, for the first ever time in her life. And come to think of it, it has so many things I could never have understood as a kiddo, and so many things that totally make sense now. The conversations in the book are lovely.
So I'm listing down some of my favorites here, and the list will increase as the plot progresses, I'm sure.
Here goes the start of a continuous post:

** "Speak English" said the Eaglet. "I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and what's more, I don't believe you do either!"

**"Why" said the Dodo, "the best way to explain it is to do it."
(if only the teachers knew :P)

**"I can't explain myself, I'm afraid sir" said Alice, "because I'm not myself, you see."

**"If everybody minded their own business," the Duchess said in a hoarse growl, "the world would go round a deal faster than it does."

**"If it had grown up," she said to herself, "it would have made a dreadfully ugly child: but it makes a rather handsome pig, I think."

**Alice: "Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go on from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.

"I don't much care where-" said Alice

"Then it doesn't matter which way you go" said the Cat
"-so long as I get somewhere" Alice added as an explanation.
"Oh, you are sure to do that," said the Cat, "if only you walk long enough."

"Well, I've often seen a cat without a grin," thought Alice; "but a grin without a cat! its the most curious thing I ever saw in my life"

(to be continued)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

One Day

One day, I'd like to get drunk, really really drunk, and come back home late at night, say around three, and ring the door bell just to see what mum has to say.

But I guess now I'll have to wait till I'm 25 to do that. Maybe I should pay taxes only after I'm 25, vote only after I'm 25, and do my part for the country only after I'm 25.


This country depresses me.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Dearest Mother,

Yes, your daughter goes to college now. She has a new set of friends. But she still does think of you as her first best friend, and she always will. Trust her when she says her friends are nice. Be proud of her when she does good at what she likes doing. Be sure to tell her that.
Don't punish her for liking a boy in her class. You know she'll never take the step and talk to him because you won't like the fact that she has a boyfriend. No matter how happy that'll make her, she'll not do it. She still thinks of you as her first best friend. She values your opinion.
When she fails, hold her and tell her that its okay. The world hasn't ended, and that you believe that she'll be okay again. But tell her this only if you know it's the truth, don't give her false hopes to cling on to. Cause she still thinks of you her first best friend, she values your opinion.
Try knowing what her favorite band is. See if they have an album coming out around her birthday. See what kind of books she is currently reading. Try to know what is influencing her opinions.
Before you tell her that she has no value for gifts, be sure you know what she'll love to have for a gift. You haven't raised a materialistic chic for a daughter, so don't value the gift by its cost. She doesn't care. A nice card with meaningful words will make her equally happy.
If she is more comfortable talking to a guy friend than a girl, don't be alarmed. Guys are just as nice as the girls, and it's minus the bitchiness.
Believe her when she says she is sorry. She really doesn't like to see you hurt. She'll do everything she can to make it up to you. But she has her limits. If you keep letting her know you think of her as good for nothing, she'll do nothing for you. Because she still thinks of you as her first best friend, she values your opinion.
Cherish her memories, keep her photos safe. Click a picture when you think she looks pretty. Let her know when you think she looks nice. She still thinks of you as her first best friend, she still values your opinions.
Forgive her, forget her mistakes. If you keep taking her back to all her mistakes, she do just that to you, and she'll do it ten times as bad. And remember, you started it. Don't tell her she is unwanted. She never had the choice, did she?
She is a teen, she has self image issues already, she really doesn't need you comparing her to other perfect girls. It will be very difficult for her to forgive you for doing that. Let her have that haircut she always wanted. Its just hair, it'll grow back!
Go to a movie she really wants to watch. Just once. Even if you don't like it. She'll tag along to plays you'd like to see, cause its a two way thing.
Give her a massage, plaid her hair, let her lie don't on your lap and gently pat her. Or she'll never be able to tell a mother's touch from someone else's. Don't squirm when she gives you hug. She is your own flesh and blood, isn't she?
Praise her in front of your friends. Or at least don't criticize her in front of them. I mean, really, how pathetic of a daughter could you have raised?
Give her a hug occasionally. Share her passions. She knows you don't like maths, and shes not going to teach you some, just tell you why she likes it. Try understand her passions. Her interests.
Try to be unbiased. Don't judge her from her past mistakes, she isn't perfect and she is learning from all her follies. Talk to her. Tell her what you think. She still thinks of you as her first best friend, she values your opinion.
Don't blame her for your dwindling marriage, you guys were fighting even before she was born. Don't be ruthless, watch what you say. She is learning from you, and she is learning fast. If you still are rude, get ready for ruthless questions. Questions that'll fill you with regret. Don't tell her you are 'suffering' in this marriage just because of her, she is not holding you back, your own cowardice is.
She listens to you every time you bitch about your in-laws, doesn't she? Even if that means you concluding that her "blood" is bad. Again, she never had the choice, did she?
Yes, she uses swear words, but she never does that in front of you or the little cousins. She is a little more cultured than you think. When the little cousins are rude to her, tell them off. She deserves at least that much respect, doesn't she? Don't bitch about her to other people or don't hate her if she does just that. She is a princess, treat her like one, only then will you be respected like the Queen.
If you don't love her, respect her, someday, someone else will. And when she knows that you never will, she'll take that decision and walk off. And she won't look back. Go to her prince, exclude you from her marriage and god forbid if she is your only child, you'll never meet your grandchildren, or see her home sweet home. If you want to know how that'll feel like, talk to your own mother. Ask her if she'd have liked not meeting your worthless daughter.
Its a two way thing, and know that she is trying her level best. But, it is a two way thing. She'll try, but she has her limits. You don't need to see an eye to eye on her thoughts, just know her line of thinking. Take time to understand it. Communicate. She'll be grateful for life.
All your princess needs is a hug and a smile and your warmth. See if you can do that much for her. After all, she still thinks of you as her first best friend, she still values your opinion.
-A daughter...

BlogPost dedicated to a magical someone ;)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Why? Why that title?!

Two things:

A) Favorite song.
B) I'm studying to become a Chartered Accountant. ;)

Here is the song, by Bufallo Springfield, and you might just want to think of the '60s hippie era to know what the song really means!
And hey, its a YouTube link with a video that shouldn't ever be taken seriously. I mean, really, the black and white pictures are cool, but why?! Why on this video?!

And about the CA thingy, I guess it has more to do with the fact that after reading The Undercover Economist, I'm starting to think in real terms about the 'worth' of everything. What I like about this book is that Tim Harford, the author, really wants you to understand what he'd like to say.
I've been trying to do same shit, only numerically, on my CA syllabus, and I'd never get it right. On a platonic level, in both the cases, I'm only trying to find the 'worth' of things, but Tim Harford does it better than most FCAs and ACAs earning huge royalty from my hatred of unnecessarily complicated stuff. Or maybe I just like the way he's analyzed things, and I've started doing that too.

So, while there is no Starbucks
in India,
I now know why I pay
so much for my cuppa at CCD.

But what the hell, the best friend and I have been sitting at CCD for hours on a sunny day, with a bitter espresso (its the cheapest thing on the menu and we were broke) discussing the computation of taxable income for Mr X, Mr Y, Miss S, Mr A who is a senior citizen, Miss C who is female assessee (this in the text has been mentioned as a hidden adjustment :P).
Getting back to the topic, this is how I decided the blog title..
More on that purple haze some other time..!

Organising the gibberish...

I think I'll start by talking about how hypocrisy irritates me. Or why the URL 'that purple haze' Or why the name 'for what its worth'. I don't really know. As usual, there is just too much going on my head right now.
Maybe I'll tell you about some of the latest nice songs? Latest good TV series? My take on 'em laws and regulations?
Okay, how about some foreign universities? Some teen(?) issues. (Yes, I'm nineteen already, I know, and I'm fast growing out of teen-age. *sigh*).
Maybe I'll tell you about the long lost power of common sense. I'll try and 'uncomplicate' all things irrationally twisted. Basically, I'll 'simplify' stuff? Give you my take on things, books, trends and a little technology?
Some ideas on healthy living and the choicest of tips from a die hard book worm..
If any of these topics sound even slightly interesting, jump on the wagon and hold on for 'em goodies to unfold ;)

Heck! I might just tell you where to ideally procrastinate on the web!

Everything that touches
my life in the simplest of
ways, finds a place here :)

P.S. I might just also rant incoherently about my love for the British Accent, why sometimes capitalism seems a little less evil then the government or what is totally cool in the college to what looks like a totally desperate attempt to blend in ;)

Oh, and I love cooking too.. So, maybe I'll write about that too?

Evidently, my 'thought-management' skills are underdeveloped?! So, I'll write more when I manage to wrap my head around all this hulla-baloo going on! *winks*

So, till then, wishes of safe living from an accident-prone-random-girl

Yes, I love irony too!
*toothed smile*