Friday, October 4, 2013

The Shit of The Chartereds

First of all, some very serious apologies to Doc. I cursed like a pirate in the last post and I should not have done that. I have a better vocab and I agree cursing is an insult to it. I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again. :)

Yet, there is a curse word in the title, but I've rattled every dusty corner of my head but the only way I can explain the behavior of the Chartered Accountants is poopy.
And so, here it goes:

1. Years of mental masturbation to feel good about the certification by calling it the "Toughest Course all over India" and calling themselves esteemed professionals and other assorted managerial balderdash.
2. Cribbing about how clients don't pay fees on time.
3. Never paying articles the stipend due to them. I've been charity-ing away at my office for the past year. Boss is shameless and somehow I'm ashamed to ask.
4. Extra favors to clients' kids coming for articleship.
5. Never being on time. No respect for other peoples' time.
6. Technological illiteracy. Boss cannot tell an Excel file from a Word file.
7. Penny wise pound foolishness.
8. Allowing articles to come late go early in lieu of non payment of stipend. Basically pimping themselves out to save a monthly payment as intense as Rs 1,250/-
9. Making sick articles come to work then marking them "absent" even if they've worked for over half a day.
10. Comparing degrees. "The new article is a MCom and her score in BCom is also way higher than you." She cannot even operate a scanner, but yes, evidently, she's better than you.
11.Calling themselves "Thorough Professionals" yet not being able meet any deadlines in a smooth, cool, calm, collected and organised manner.
12. Bitching about one client to the other.
13. Having choked up toilets in the office and then claiming that girls must be putting something inside. Because of course, no one taught us how to dispose off sanitary napkins. Maybe you have a professional way to do it. Teach us, would you?
14. Making articles fill out their kids' CA exam forms. I'd like to see a Chartered made out of a person who can't fill a form by themselves.
15. Late payment of stipend by was of backdated cheques. This is even more pathetic. Your bank balance is so low you can't pay a thousand bucks every month on time? Seriously, CA?
16. Accounting for a client and then acting as a statutory auditor as well.
17. Horrible horrible English.
18. Making articles (those who are not in anyway related to any client) work upto 11 at night during peak seasons and offering only one cutting chai through the day.
19. Just calling themselves professionals.
20. Weird photo shoots at each seminar wearing blazers in summer and giving out flowers to each other.
21. No reimbursement of conveyance or food when the article visits a client.
22. Treating articles like bonded labour.

If you aren't able to treat a human like a human, if you lack basic empathy and courtesy, you can take this certification and shove it up where the sun don't shine because without any morals or ethics to adhere to, you're worse off than animals.

This comes from my experience in two different CA firms, but maybe my sample size is too small. Maybe if I get a little more exposure then possibly I'll meet an actual CA who is a testimony in flesh of the mirage created by Institute.

As a prospective member of this esteemed profession, I agree maybe I should not be saying bad stuff about my seniors and such other politically correct dialogues,
but honestly,
If they have no shame in doing it, why should I be ashamed of saying it out loud?



  1. you say you have a small samles size? this is the story of lakhs of articles working in thousands of offices....thats almost like a census

    1. And yet, somehow, it all works, works out just fine.
